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What is Bowen Therapy?
Bowen Therapy is a gentle soft tissue therapy that provokes deep and profound healing. It is claimed that Bowen Therapy works on the fascia system sending vibrations to the brain to stop pain and begin healing. The messages are delivered as the practitioner performs very gentle moves over certain nerves and tendons.
What can it help me with?
Bowen Therapy is safe and helps adults and children with many ailments, because it is allowing the body to heal itself. Moves can improve kidney function, sciatica, TMJ, ADD/ADHD, frozen shoulder, ankle pain, knee injuries, tight muscles and so much more.
This technique was designed by Tom Bowen who has passed on but lived in Australia and treated up to 13,000 people a year. He worked on children that could no longer benefit from hospital care.
After Care
Bowen therapy can cause a ‘healing crisis’ which means symptoms may get worse before they get better. As your body becomes stressed or injured it ‘winds up’ like a tight spring. When the body can relax and heal itself as the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, it also can go back through the pain points. If this happens is appears as flare ups but this should pass in a day or so.
Bowen therapy can also cause a detox response which can cause you to become tired, nauseous, or achy. Make sure you drink plenty of water!
If you receive Bowen therapy and become tired, please try, and lay down for a nap. Be sure to set your alarm or you may sleep for several hours. Be grateful, your body is healing.
If you are receiving treatment, take it a little easy the day of and possibly after your treatment. Drink plenty of water and take note of any changes, positive or negative.
Get up and walk 10-20 steps if you’re in a position where you are sitting for a prolonged time.
Do not do extreme lifting for a day or two, just take it easy.
Shamanic/Energy Healing | Regression Therapy - Remote or in person
Shamanic healing is a ceremonial type of deep energy and soul healing that moves out old thought forms, trauma and energy. Shamanic healing allows the client to move into a state of altered consciousness to tap deep into the subconscious mind to release emotional trauma. This healing moves dense or heavy energy, such as fear, anger and sadness out of the body through the breath, intent and the work of the facilitator. The modalities often used are inner child work, soul retrieval, chakra balancing, entity releasement, past life and age regression and connecting with your “Higher Self” or spirit guides. Native and ancient cultures also use Power or Totem animals as allies to help you move through the healing process. We communicate with benevolent spirits to receive information and the power of metaphors to bring subconscious transformation. Once dense energy is purged, the shaman brings light or illumination into the energy field fortifying and strengthening the aura.
Native cultures believe in three worlds, the upper world, middle world and lower world. These worlds are more widely known as the subconscious or Lower world, the conscious or Middle world and the Upper world or collective consciousness or super conscious realms. We can access all of these realms to find information, retrieve soul pieces, meet guides and reclaim our divine essence. Many times, in a session, multiple worlds are accessed to pull enough information for a complete session. Timelines are also accessed during a session with age or past life regression. A spiritual healing can actually change timelines and bring healing to the past, present and future - ancestors and our children's children.
Holly Marie uses the chakra system as a timeline in the physical body (in person or remotely) to find out where emotions and memories have been stored. This method is extremely accurate for targeting the root cause issue of a problem. Many times, the ego will mask a deeper trauma by blaming someone else in our current timeline, (like a boss or spouse) for hurting you but as we go back in time, we discover that it’s a buried incident from long ago. Often times this is when we do inner child healing, actually bringing back that soul piece or re-writing a past life ‘contract.’ Spiritual healing is such a complex modality that covers so many different aspects of life and delivers profound and quantum leaps in healing.
Soul Retrieval:
Soul Retrieval is a ceremonial process that calls back fragmented or missing soul pieces that have fled to safety during a time of trauma. Many times, when someone has that ‘void’ that they can’t seem to fill inside, it’s due to a missing soul piece. People will try and fill this ‘void’ with impulse shopping, binge eating or drinking, gambling, sex addiction or any other type of behavior that is unable to actually bring peace. It is that feeling of needing more and more but never feeling satisfied. When a soul piece is missing, we are incomplete, and we aren’t able walk our journey in wholeness.
When a soul piece is returned, we become whole or reclaim our innocence. Often times this can be done through inner child work in this lifetime, or we go back into a past life and find the missing soul piece that fled for safety during a time of death. Usually in both cases, we have created contracts that have an effect in our current life. If the contract was made in a past lifetime, it is still being played out in this lifetime. If the contract was made during trauma in this lifetime, such as a time in childhood, the karma is still being played out. The beauty of Soul Retrieval is that this stops the pattern and allows for a new destiny to occur.
Entity Extraction:
Entity Extraction is the removal of unwanted energy or spirit attachments. Often times when we have trauma, we create an entry point for an unwanted or wayward spirit to attach to us. The spirit attaches because they are experiencing the same trauma frequency we are putting out, such as guilt, shame or fear. When an entity attaches to us, it can cause symptoms of sudden mood change, habit changes, illness, exhaustion and the classic signs of ‘things going bump in the night.’
In my experience, most entities really do want to just be fully transitioned into the light and they’re making noise to be noticed. Often when a sudden death happens or when someone dies who is on extreme amounts of medication, the entity will not fully cross over and it will attach to a ‘host’, which is a person. Usually, the entity is easily and gently removed. In some cases, the entity is much more evil and can cause damage to other members living with the host and even their pets. When this happens, and the entity is fearlessly released to the light, major peace comes back into balance.
In almost every single case that I remove an entity, either childhood trauma needs to be cleared or a soul piece needs to come back. In the shamanic arts, the entity is not just ‘banished’ away so it jumps onto another host, in the shamanic arts the entity is moved fully into the light for rehabilitation.
In rare cases, since our energy has a gravitational pull, what appears to be an entity is merely someone’s own trauma.
Past Life Healing:
A Past Life regression is when you are gently regressed back to a past life event. Usually there is an intention put in place before visiting a specific past life. In the Ancient healing arts, we not only find a Past Life, but we also allow the client to re-write the contract that is playing out negative karma in this lifetime, find a soul piece and retrieve a gift of divination. When we have died of trauma, we create a contract to protect ourselves from re-living the same experience, but it is usually done out of fear, so the contract is actually a negative contract.
For example, many healers are afraid to step into their gift of healing because they were persecuted in a past life for healing. The client in this life will take a job that has nothing to do with healing to keep themselves safe from persecution. This is how we fall victim to fate instead of destiny. In our true destiny, one is supposed to step into their healing gifts and help others but because of the negative contract, they do the opposite.
Many people come to me who have had Past Life readings and do not feel good about what they discovered. When a Past Life healing is done by a facilitator, the client can jump back on the path to destiny by re-writing the contract, finding the soul piece for wholeness and stepping into destiny with a gift of divination. This brings actually healing opposed to just gaining information. When a Past Life is healed, it creates the ability to step into new opportunities. I have seen incredible changes occur in my clients, from new jobs to relationships being healed with partners and children. It truly opens up a new realm of information and resolve along with soul healing.
After Care
Be gentle on yourself. After a session, give yourself permission to have a self-care day. Go for a walk, take a bath or sit quietly in a peaceful place. Drink plenty of water.
Do Not watch the news or violent movies. Do not engage in drama or social media.
Most people feel very light after a session but often times have a dip in their mood a few days later. This is normal, your energy is re-calibrating itself and you should begin to feel positive shifts over the next few days. Give the session time, it works on deep levels that may not reveal change immediately.
Hypnosis is highly effective and fast acting. In a hypnotherapy session you are in a state of relaxation, opening up your subconscious mind to positive suggestions. This powerful technique has been around for centuries and is scientifically proven to breaking habits, changing behaviors, over coming phobia’s and fears, improving on all levels, losing weight, pain management, improve game performance and quitting smoking. Reaching a hypnotic state is very natural, it is that state in which you are just about to fall asleep at night or when you’re driving and you don’t remember the last ten minutes of your drive.
All hypnosis is by choice and it is so effective because the subconscious mind does not know what is real or not real. This means that if someone would like to stop biting their nails, the subconscious mind can be tricked into thinking that when you’re about to bite your nails, you hand turns into a balloon or a your nails will taste so bitter that is will be too unbearable to ever bite your nails again. While this may seem very juvenile, it works and can be applied to anything. I had hypnotherapy for public speaking and it allowed me to stop my tunnel vision and engage with the audience with ease.
Hypnosis can be used to reroute old habits and enhance performance. Self hypnosis is also something very important that I teach my clients so they can increase their results. Most issues can be conquered in three to six sessions. In rare cases, and depending on your determination, I have seen one session be enough. The power of your mind can overcome anything.
The best way to change your life is to change your mind! If your perspective is working against you, or you're sourcing from the past you will not have clarity to crate your future. Sometimes when we face an obstacle our fear freezes us from our creative flow. My life coaching is designed to offer you small changes to create big results. I also use NLP to improve confidence and motivation.
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